“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
”St. Francis of Assissi (1181-1226)
Francis truly embraces his time off and makes the most of it. And while he certainly loves fishing with his buddy Tommy, second on his time-off list: woodworking. He finds it quiet, meditative. It gives him a chance to truly unwind and put his focus on something not food-related. He creates everything from tackle boxes to jewelry boxes.
Below are just a few of the woodmaking projects he’s completed…and expect a Facebook or Etsy page in the future!

Modern woodworking has been revolutionized by the introduction of power tools and machinery. Table saws, band saws, routers, and planers allow woodworkers to shape and manipulate wood with increased efficiency and precision.
Francis loves working with wood…carving, burning and creating lovely furniture!